Monday, June 24, 2013

Pretty Ling Thing

I'm saving the long wind for someday the waves. My life is a series of vignettes anyway. Well, my enter key no longer works, so there's that. I love walking with Chai in the sun, and today before work we visited our bovine friends down the hill ("I running! I running!") and they were eating and he yelled: "They eating FOOD! They eating GRASS! They eating DINNER!" I went to work and lately the summer is so sweet I want to stay with the babies, but I like so much being there when I'm there, and I like talking to people and tenderly unfurling their stories. I went to a planning meeting for Sarah's event and Ruthie and I joked about subliminal intactivism via pens printed with the slogan "pen is retractable." Today was so fast, it was like flushed down the toilet. I want time to slow down. My girl is a plump juicy peach.

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