Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pretty crummy, geddit?

Lest you think our relationship is a little too idyllic right now, let me assure you that we have our struggles. One of our most significant has to do with these little guys:

I first discovered Jonathan's bizarro crumb aversion after he bought me a candy bar (from one of The People--not the Avatar "People")and I was eating it in the car. He became so neurotic about me dropping crumbs that at first I thought he was kidding...he's not kidding. He is so anal about crumbs that it defies credibility. I always tell Jon that Freud would just ADORE him as he single-handedly proves the reality of the psycho-sexual stages.

I couldn't care less about crumbs. In fact, sometimes I pretend I'm sprinkling them on the floor, on Jonathan's lap, or inside his shirt. He loses it every time. It's so cute and weird. He says I am the perfect foil for his obsessions--that I was genetically designed to destroy him. :)


Jonathan said...

Rachel! You're too extreme. I was mostly kidding about the crumbs...but I really didn't like the idea of melted chocolate on my nice leather seats. I don't think that is too anal. You're right that I do hate crumbs...but it's because they are one of the only things that are objectively dirty! They attract insects and pests and germs. But I probably am a bit anal about it. I think you prove freud're just anal about words instead of crumbs! Thanks for always pushing the limits of my crumb aversion...I think it's hilarious and probably good for me!

Katrina said...

So funny. Jared is that way about crumbs in the bedroom. He HATES it when I eat in our bedroom.

The Kradolfers said...

I think this is my favorite post thus far.

Cow said...

Jonathan, you should start calling the crumbs moist,tasty, and/or fine lubricant, and I guarantee she will develop an aversion to them.

Jonathan said...

You are right. I will try that tactic. I will take it one step further and call the crumbs those things as I consume them. That should give her an aversion.